Website: https://www.livehealthychi.com/
Live Healthy Chicago (LHC) is a community-based collaborative comprised of Forty Acres Fresh Market, The MAAFA Redemption Project, My Block My Hood My City, Rush University Medical Center, and West Side United.
Its mission is to address the immediate wellness of seniors and high-risk populations in target Chicago communities experiencing the highest COVID-19 disparities and food insecurities. The collaborative is invested in dismantling the systemic racial and health inequities prevalent in target communities by implementing, funding and sustaining immediate, long term and collective tactics.

Impact Statistics
- 53,647: Safety kits distributed in June and July 2020
- 6,953: Wellness checks on seniors and members of high-risk populations
- 60,393: Meals distributed in June and July 2020
Recent Highlights
Supported by a $5 million dollar gift from the Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation, Live Healthy Chicago selected 28 organizations across Chicago to benefit from its community-based grants initiative, awarding a total of $1 million to serve those in need. Each of the award winning organizations has worked diligently throughout the pandemic to support communities impacted by COVID-19.
Since the announcement of the Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation’s gift, an additional $1.7M in funding has been awarded by foundations or contributed by individuals for LHC-affiliated West Side United’s COVID-19 response. Most heartening, $2,510 of that came from individual online donations as small as $5 from Chicago area residents.
Living Healthy Chicago will distribute $2,932,700 in grants to community-based organizations to scale promising COVID-19 projects over the next two years. With consultation from the Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation, LHC identified seven organizations leading the COVID response in Black and Latinx communities to receive $50,000 each in grant awards, with more grants forthcoming.